Hagar is lucky he knows a little about his enemy. What do we really know about ours? Remember the Trojan horse. All it was was a means to draw their attention away from what was really happening and it worked. Looks to me like its working again. Are the wars in the middle east another Trojan horse, are we really there to fight "TERRORISM" or is there an ulterior motive. Why would I even think that, after all the Government has been completely honest with us about every thing so far right. BULLSHIT! Or maybe they just didn't want to tell us about all the weapons of mass destruction they found in Iraq. I believe terrorism is the Trojan horse that this government wants us to be focused on so they can move ahead with their real agenda. Our enemy may be in the middle east but they don't pose near the threat that our enemy in our own country does. Hagar says its time to stand up and be counted BULLSHIT, ITS TO LATE no one in this Government knows how to count or should I say, they count and if the numbers aren't what they want them to be they count again and again and again until they get them right(the way they want them) or am I the only one that remembers that election. No I am not a republican nor a Democrat their both full of BULLSHIT you'll lose either way. What to do? Well if you can't stand up and be counted maybe its time to stand up and fight. Or,we could just sit and wait for them to finish destroying our Constitution and take away all our freedoms and then BITCH about it. When its to late. Do you realize that I could be taken away locked up for what I have said in this post? Its happening all over the country,That's right our country. Just by exercising my first amendment right I could get arrested and thats FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!
In Websters dictionary: Trojan Horse:any person,group or thing that seeks to subvert a Nation,organization,ect from within.
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